Grubs have arrived! These munching machines eat away at the root system of our lawns, killing otherwise healthy grass. Unsightly discoloration, loose turf, and bare areas are only the beginning. Read more after the jump for information on grubs and how to control them.
White grubs are small, plump, white larvae living below the soil surface. These grubs actually chew away at the roots of the grass, resulting in a yellow, patchy appearance - almost as if the lawn is dying out or needs to be watered more regularly. Because the root system of the grass is being eaten away, serious damage can occur if a treatment plan is not put into motion. Damaged turf will roll back like carpet; in many cases, damaged areas of a lawn must be reseeded in order to re-establish healthy grass. Reseeding a lawn can take several weeks to months, and can be a fairly expensive endeavor.
What can we do to get a handle on grubs?
To control an insect population, we must understand its habits and life cycle. Some grubs complete their life cycle in one year. Others require three years to complete their life cycle. White grubs survive the winter as larvae in the soil. In the early spring the grubs begin to feed again.
Later in the spring and summer, they enter a resting stage (pupae) as they hatch into adult beetles. Beetles lay their eggs which hatch into grub larvae. The larvae feed voraciously, and the cycle begins again.
Utilizing a preventative grub control application before it is too late is the best way to control grubs. Waiting until damage is visible before investing in an annual (preventative) grub control application may mean it is too late to save the affected areas. Being proactive and protecting your lawn every year is the best way to fight grubs and a cycle of frustration.

White grubs are small, plump, white larvae living below the soil surface. These grubs actually chew away at the roots of the grass, resulting in a yellow, patchy appearance - almost as if the lawn is dying out or needs to be watered more regularly. Because the root system of the grass is being eaten away, serious damage can occur if a treatment plan is not put into motion. Damaged turf will roll back like carpet; in many cases, damaged areas of a lawn must be reseeded in order to re-establish healthy grass. Reseeding a lawn can take several weeks to months, and can be a fairly expensive endeavor.
What can we do to get a handle on grubs?
Later in the spring and summer, they enter a resting stage (pupae) as they hatch into adult beetles. Beetles lay their eggs which hatch into grub larvae. The larvae feed voraciously, and the cycle begins again.
Utilizing a preventative grub control application before it is too late is the best way to control grubs. Waiting until damage is visible before investing in an annual (preventative) grub control application may mean it is too late to save the affected areas. Being proactive and protecting your lawn every year is the best way to fight grubs and a cycle of frustration.

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