Saturday, January 28, 2012

First fly consideration for 30" small stream trout

I just tied this 4" fly for the first consideration of flies for the 30" brown a buddy and I will be seeking in a small stream in the Driftless on opening day. 
Lots of weight and a sharp hook.  I chose this bugger style to represent a multitude of food sources for a large fish. 

What are your thoughts for an enormous fish in small water, during the generally very cold water conditions of early March?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow...finally, and what it means to me

Picture by Len Harris

We have finally received a respectable snow event. This will be very important as a water event to help replenish our aquifers that charge our spring creeks here in the upper Midwest. We have been very dry (and ridiculously warm) and 4-7" will be a great way to help.
picture by algoreen

As for lawn care (my profession), snow in the upper midwest can be helpful as well. It can help insulate the ground and protect the turf against brutally cold temps as well as winds that will stress the turf while in dormancy. Snow does for turf exactly what a nice insulated seat would do for you fishing on the ice.


So, for both your local spring creeks as well as your lawn, enjoy the snow. Stay safe, but the snow is vital in more ways than one.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 TU Ice Breaker

For those in the Madison area and are into fishing and the outdoors, the 2012 Trout Unlimited Ice Breaker will be taking place this Saturday, January 14. There will be great speakers, door prizes, raffles, entomology demonstrations, fly tying demonstrations, and a kids room. The event starts at 8:30 am. The event will be held at the Promega Biotechnology Center, 5445 East Cheryl Parkway, Fitchburg.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Live On Turfgrass -- Learn the facts about turf's benefits.

Check out this great video that lays out the benefits of turf grass. Everything from cooling and cleaning air, a safer play surface, reducing erosion and runoff and many other things. This is a great and fun short video! Take a peek:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Here's to celebrating a great year in 2011 and the beginning of a new year and another great season. Cheers to all and I wish you a great start to 2012.

Here we are receiving the Award of Excellence in Orlando at the National Weed Man Convention back in early December. It is the second time we have won Weed Man's highest honor in the last 5 years and we are very proud of our staff.

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