Friday, July 6, 2012

Project Healing Waters

I wanted to share a new venture that I am a part of.  I am volunteering in a start up (in Dane County area) called Project Healing Waters.  The mission of Project Healing Waters "is to assist in the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active duty military personnel and veterans through fly fishing and fly tying education and outings."

We are trying to get the info out to as veterans as possible as it is a free program.  We will be starting a 5 week short course introducing fly fishing to as many veterans as we can.  Please spread the word!

We will be meeting at the VA hospital in Madison starting on Thursday, July 19th from 7-9pm and ending on  August 16th.  Bldg 22 Rm 310 EERC

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Drought of '88 2012?

With the 10 day forecast showing little to no rain and temps consistently in the 90's, we are facing some pretty tough conditions for turf as well as our waterways.  The aquifers haven't been replenished in quite some time and waters are running low.

Your home lawn is suffering without the water and we are in the window now in which some parts of your lawn will not just be going dormant but actually dying out.  We will likely have many homeowners this fall re-seeding and aerating due to this summer's damage.
This sounds like a broken record but there are a few key ways you can help prevent die out of your home lawn.  Try to water for about an hour at a time in each place about every 2 days if you can through these difficult conditions.  Mow the grass at the tallest setting possible (4" usually).  These practices will help reduce some of the stress.  However, remember we are in the part of the country with what we call "cool season turf grasses."  That means that our grasses thrive between 60-75 degrees...not 90+ consistently with no rain.  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns we will gladly steer you in the right direction.

Watering tips

Thursday, June 7, 2012

2012 Weed Man June Newsletter

Check out or June Newsletter for summer lawn tips.  Learn proper watering and cutting practices during the hot weather.  There is also great info on turf disease and grubs/Japanese beetles.  Also, learn some great summer lawn games!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Weather and effects on your lawn

I thought it was the opportune time to talk about the impact that last week's extreme weather has had on your lawn.  We have immediately seen diseases like Septoria Leaf Spot that looks like it was tracked by a mower across the yard, Summer Patch or Nectrotic Ring that looks like the lawn is blotchy with a bleached out dead spots, etc.  The cooler weather of this week should really help, but deep root watering a couple of times this week should really help these areas recover from the summer like conditions we had in late May!

Here are some pics of what we are seeing out there right now.

Click the links below for more reading material.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How To Choose A Lawn Care Company

I thought it was a good time to re-post this for those making lawn care decisions.  

Recently, someone asked me how one goes about choosing a lawn care company. 
My head started really spinning as this is very important for homeowners that are flooded with all sorts of options that all state they are the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Here are a few ideas that are important to verify with companies you are choosing from:

  • Fertilizer--verify if the company uses a slow release, granular fertilizer for all of their fertilizer applications, only a couple of applications, or not at all.  
    • Note, even if companies state they are using slow release fertilizers, they are not all equal.  For example, Weed Man Lawn Care uses only a 65% slow release fertilizer.  This lasts 7-10 weeks per application vs some that state they use a slow release fertilizer but don't mention that it is only say 15% and only lasts 3-5 weeks.
  • Environmental Care--it is important to ensure that the company is doing their part to minimize the environmental footprint and enhance your turf quality
    • Using slow release fertilizer all but eliminates any movement in the soil
      • It also will help thicken the turf and reduce runoff compared to a malnourished lawn
    • Using weed control to spot treat weeds only, if possible (using combo products for "weed and feed" usually over apply weed control that is not necessary)
    • Make sure the company clears off all driveway and sidewalks of fertilizer
  • Customer Service--make sure the companies you consider give free service calls within a 48 hour window
    • There will be times when weeds pop between visits and you might want your company to re-apply and it should be free of charge
    • Make sure they have a willingness to meet with you if necessary to address any concerns
    • check into the background of the owners of the company to see how they are qualified to run the business
      • At Weed Man, the owners have degrees in Soil Science and Agronomy and one is an ex-golf course superintendent
    • Many companies over promise and under deliver.  Be leery if companies promise control of things like quack grass or tall fescue
I hope these tips help you make educated decision with your lawn care needs this season.
Look me up on Description: Description: Description: fb1 Description: Description: Description: t1  Description: Description: Icon
or check out our website at

Monday, April 9, 2012

Time to Control Your Weeds

I thought this was a great time to discuss a few things that are pertinent this time of year in regards to your home environment and weed control.  As you can see the weeds are really popping and during the day you are seeing that steady 'yellow' color on your drive to work or in your lawn.

Over the next 4-6 weeks will be the best time to start your weed control for the season.  One of the questions I consistently get asked every spring is, "Can you guys control creeping charlie and violets? We can never get that under control ourselves or using a service."

Well, let me give you some good news, they are manageable to control!  These tougher weeds grow with rhizomes (learn more here) that make it difficult to control.  However, the right approach is using the right products.   Proper fertilization with a very slow release fertilizer and continuing to spot treat the plants throughout the entire course of the season should suppress these difficult weeds quite well.  For example, at Weed Man we are able to guarantee control of 85%+ of creeping charlie and violets and 99%+ of the rest of the weeds by the end of the first season.

Click Here for more info on difficult to control weeds.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Notes for your Lawn...Early Spring

What happened to spring?  Summer seemed to have been spring to the punch!  It appears we will be shattering record highs for the next few days.  This being said it is important to note a couple of things coming out of winter.

Here in the upper Midwest areas of Milwaukee, Madison, Rockford and the Fox Valley area we see a wide variety of issues coming out of winter. 
The first things you may have noticed when your lawn reappeared from its white, wintery state are matted down, white or pinkish grass, vein-like runs throughout the lawn, debris scattered on your lawn near the road or driveway and possible salt damage.  Do not worry, much of these problems will take care of themselves with a little of your help. 
·         The white or pinkish patches of grass that are matted down are caused by a fungus called snow mold. 
o   You typically see this where heavy amounts of snow were piled up the longest.  Taking a plastic leaf rake and lightly raking these areas to help them breath will be all the turf needs to recover within a month or so. 

·         Sometimes you many notice vein-like runs of grass debris throughout your lawn that were not there in the fall. 
o   This is noticed most in lawns that are near green spaces, prairies, woods or have lots of ornamental beds surrounding the turf.  The damage is caused by a rodent called a “vole.” 
o   Voles are like field mice or “above ground moles” that you do not see in the summer because they stay close to fields, woods, prairies or other areas where they have cover to ensure they do not have encounters with hawks or other predators. 
o   Using a plastic leaf rake you will need to lightly rake through these areas to remove the dead grass that was chewed and tunneled through.  This grass will be removed very easily as it is not anchored to the root system anymore. 
o   Re-seeding these areas can be beneficial but with proper fertilization these areas should thicken in naturally by late spring. 

·         You can use the same leaf rake to help the turf breath in areas where there is debris scattered from snow plowing. 
o   By raking these areas, the debris will settle into the turf and become unnoticeable within a month or two.  There is no need for heavy raking in any of the events listed above.  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March...My Favorite Time of the Year

What can I say.  March.  What a great time of year!  Most people think of the dreary, cold and wet days of March.  I think of the moment I look at the newspaper and I notice the avg daily temperature rising.  It is one of my favorite moments of the year.  Next week we are expecting to see temps in the 50's!

To me March means a lot of things.  It means trout fishing is open again here in WI (my favorite thing to do), it means that our lawn care season is really starting to gear up and it means the NCAA basketball tournament is fast approaching.  These three things mysteriously become fresh and seem to show a new birth every season just as mother nature does this time of year.  Every season brings a new excitement that one seems to forget or lose sight of during some of our long winter days.

Over the next few weeks the lawns will start to come out of dormancy and our spring rush will begin.  I will hold that precious brook trout that still has its 'dancing' colors from last fall's spawn.  Last second buzzer beaters will fill the air with electricity and create those 'magic moments' we love to reminisce for years to come.

Yes...March is here, my favorite time of year.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How to Choose a Lawn Care Company

I thought it would be a good time to re-post this for those making lawn care decisions right now.

I was asked by someone how one goes about choosing a lawn care company.
My head started really spinning as this is very important for homeowners that are flooded with all sorts of options that all state they are the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Here are a few ideas that are important to verify with companies you are choosing from:

  • Fertilizer--verify if the company uses a slow release, granular fertilizer for all of their fertilizer applications, only a couple of applications, or not at all.  
    • Note, even if companies state they are using slow release fertilizers, they are not all equal.  For example, Weed Man Lawn Care uses only a 65% slow release fertilizer.  This lasts 7-10 weeks per application vs some that state they use a slow release fertilizer but don't mention that it is only say 15% and only lasts 3-5 weeks.
  • Environmental Care--it is important to ensure that the company is doing their part to minimize the environmental footprint and enhance your turf quality
    • Using slow release fertilizer all but eliminates any movement in the soil
      • It also will help thicken the turf and reduce runoff compared to a malnourished lawn
    • Using weed control to spot treat weeds only, if possible (using combo products for "weed and feed" usually over apply weed control that is not necessary)
    • Make sure the company clears off all driveway and sidewalks of fertilizer
  • Customer Service--make sure the companies you consider give free service calls within a 48 hour window
    • There will be times when weeds pop between visits and you might want your company to re-apply and it should be free of charge
    • Make sure they have a willingness to meet with you if necessary to address any concerns
    • check into the background of the owners of the company to see how they are qualified to run the business
      • At Weed Man, the owners have degrees in Soil Science and Agronomy and one is an ex-golf course superintendent
    • Many companies over promise and under deliver.  Be leery if companies promise control of things like quack grass or tall fescue
I hope these tips help you make educated decision with your lawn care needs this season.
Look me up on Description: Description: Description: fb1 Description: Description: Description: t1  Description: Description: Icon
or check out our website at

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Spring Marketing Begins

It is that time of year again where Weed Man Lawn Care gears up with high school and college students to go door to door and spread the word of Weed Man Lawn Care.  Please expect to see a Weed Man employee sometime this spring.  We look forward to delivering the best lawn care in the industry again this season.

With the mild winter you should be thinking spring!  Your lawn is currently a bit confused here in the upper Midwest as some areas have been fully exposed to the sun and some areas are still under snow cover.
You should expect to see some confusing results as spring blossoms and some areas have been exposed to winter for some time, while other areas have had complete snow cover for for some time.  I would expect to see some severe snow mold issues in some areas and some other areas to jump right into spring.

If you would like more information about lawn care this spring or you have questions about issues on your lawn don't hesitate to contact me directly on my Google+ paghere or snoop around our site at

We will see you real soon.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

First fly consideration for 30" small stream trout

I just tied this 4" fly for the first consideration of flies for the 30" brown a buddy and I will be seeking in a small stream in the Driftless on opening day. 
Lots of weight and a sharp hook.  I chose this bugger style to represent a multitude of food sources for a large fish. 

What are your thoughts for an enormous fish in small water, during the generally very cold water conditions of early March?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow...finally, and what it means to me

Picture by Len Harris

We have finally received a respectable snow event. This will be very important as a water event to help replenish our aquifers that charge our spring creeks here in the upper Midwest. We have been very dry (and ridiculously warm) and 4-7" will be a great way to help.
picture by algoreen

As for lawn care (my profession), snow in the upper midwest can be helpful as well. It can help insulate the ground and protect the turf against brutally cold temps as well as winds that will stress the turf while in dormancy. Snow does for turf exactly what a nice insulated seat would do for you fishing on the ice.


So, for both your local spring creeks as well as your lawn, enjoy the snow. Stay safe, but the snow is vital in more ways than one.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 TU Ice Breaker

For those in the Madison area and are into fishing and the outdoors, the 2012 Trout Unlimited Ice Breaker will be taking place this Saturday, January 14. There will be great speakers, door prizes, raffles, entomology demonstrations, fly tying demonstrations, and a kids room. The event starts at 8:30 am. The event will be held at the Promega Biotechnology Center, 5445 East Cheryl Parkway, Fitchburg.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Live On Turfgrass -- Learn the facts about turf's benefits.

Check out this great video that lays out the benefits of turf grass. Everything from cooling and cleaning air, a safer play surface, reducing erosion and runoff and many other things. This is a great and fun short video! Take a peek:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Here's to celebrating a great year in 2011 and the beginning of a new year and another great season. Cheers to all and I wish you a great start to 2012.

Here we are receiving the Award of Excellence in Orlando at the National Weed Man Convention back in early December. It is the second time we have won Weed Man's highest honor in the last 5 years and we are very proud of our staff.

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